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Prof. Itay Mayrose Lab - Plant Evolution, bioinformatics, & comparative genomics

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CCDBAngiospermsPoaceaeEleusineEleusine floccifolia Spreng.

11 chromosome counts in Eleusine floccifolia Spreng.:

Name Accepted Name Gametophytic(n) Sporophytic(2n) Data Source reference
!   Eleusine floccifolia Spreng. Eleusine floccifolia Spreng.   18 IPCN online Hiremath, S. C. & M. S. Chennaveeraiah. 1982. Cytogenetical studies in wild and cultivated species of Eleusine (Gramineae). Caryologia 35: 57–69.
!   Eleusine floccifolia Spreng. Eleusine floccifolia Spreng.   18, 36 IPCN online Hiremath, S. C. & S. S. Salimath. 1991. Quantitative nuclear DNA changes in Eleusine (Gramineae). Pl. Syst. Evol. 178: 225–233.
!   Eleusine floccifolia Spreng. Eleusine floccifolia Spreng.   18 IPCN online Salimath, S. S., S. C. Hiremath & H. N. Murthy. 1995. Genome differentiation patterns in diploid species of Eleusine (Poaceae). Hereditas (Lund) 122: 189–195.
!   Eleusine floccifolia Spreng. Eleusine floccifolia Spreng.   18 IPCN online Mysore, K. S. & V. Baird. 1997. Nuclear DNA content in species of Eleusine (Gramineae): a critical re-evaluation using laser flow cytometry. Pl. Syst. Evol. 207: 1–11.
!   Eleusine floccifolia Spreng. Eleusine floccifolia Spreng.   18 IPCN online Bisht, M. S. & Y. MUKAI. 2000. Mapping of rDNA on the chromosome of Eleusine species by fluorescence in situ hybridization. Genes Genet. Systems 75: 343–348.
!   Eleusine floccifolia Spreng. Eleusine floccifolia Spreng.   18 IPCN online Bisht, M. S. & Y. MUKAI. 2001. Identification of genome donors to the wild species of finger millet, Eleusine africana by genomic in situ hybridization. Breed. Sci. 51: 263–269.
!   Eleusine floccifolia Spreng. Eleusine floccifolia Spreng.   18 IPCN online Devarumath, R. M., S. C. Hiremath, S. R. Rao, A. Kumar & S. Bewal. 2005. Genome analysis of finger millet E. coracana by interspecific hybridization among diploid wild species of Eleusine (Poaceae). Cytologia 70: 427–434.
!   Eleusine floccifolia Spreng. Eleusine floccifolia Spreng.   18 IPCN online Mallikharjun. 2005. Genome interrelationship in the genus Eleusine (Poaceae) as revealed through heteroploid crosses. Caryologia 58(4): 300–307.
!   Eleusine floccifolia Spreng. Eleusine floccifolia Spreng. 9   IPCN73-74 CHENNAVEERAIAH, M.S., & S.C. HIREMATH. 1973. Morphology, cytology and fertility in Eleusine tristachya, ~ floccifolia and their hybrid. Proc. Indian Sci. Congr. Assoc. 60 (III): 306.
!   Eleusine floccifolia Spreng. Eleusine floccifolia Spreng.   18 C-values database Hiremath SC, Salimath SS. 1991. Quantitative nuclear DNA changes in Eleucine (Gramineae). Plant Systematics and Evolution 178: 225-233.
!   Eleusine floccifolia Spreng. Eleusine floccifolia Spreng.   36 C-values database Hiremath SC, Salimath SS. 1991. Quantitative nuclear DNA changes in Eleucine (Gramineae). Plant Systematics and Evolution 178: 225-233.